Image Guided Surgery

Real-Time Ultrasound Surgery System (Ultrasound Thoracoscope, Spectrum Analysis)
The ultrasound thoracoscope allows real-time localization of tumors while not requiring invasive preoperative procedures or radiation exposure. It can be used to distinguish benign and malignant nodules from normal tissue using ultrasound.
Cone-beam CT (CBCT) Guided Surgery
Microcoil insertion method is used to mark small lung tumors prior to minimally invasive surgery. We are currently evaluating the feasibility of CBCT microcoil localization during VATS to determine its efficacy compared to standard care.

Electro-magnetic (EM) Navigation Surgery
EM navigation technology is useful for approaching small lung tumors in minimally invasive surgery. We are currently using this intraoperative three-dimensional (3D) imaging and EM navigation system to register in the real, endoscopic images for patients undergoing chest wall resection.
Precision Resection (Pancoast, INSPIRE)
Precision Resection aims to complete tumour resection while maintaining maximal healthy tissue. This project also aims to devise an optimal surgical strategy so that it can be used for educational purposes.
INSPIRE aims to determine the applicability of the intraoperative three-dimensional (3D) imaging and surgical navigation system for patients undergoing chest wall tumour resection.

Protoporphyrin (PPIX) / 5-ALA for NSCLC + Optical Development
This project aims to develop a novel method of fluorescence detection and photodynamic therapy of tumours during VATS.