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Nanotechnology Enabled
Minimally Invasive Therapy


Porphysome can be used in laser therapy as a photosensitive agent. Our findings have demonstrated the potential of Porphysome-enhanced transbronchial irradiation to be a novel minimally-invasive endoscopic local therapy for the treatment of peripheral lung cancer.



 Proof-of-principle studies are being conducted using a modified EBUS system, ultrasound-activated nanodroplets, and a preclinical immunocompetent tumor model. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemical staining, and tumor volume are being used to assess immune response.

Pipetting Samples
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ICG Liposome

ICG liposome can be used as a systemic injectable imaging agent. It has shown its potential to be a systematically injectable fluorescence and CT contrast agent for the localization of lung cancer in human patients.

The Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2020, from

©2020 by Yasufuku Research Laboratories.

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